Welcome to my web site about alpine plants and my rokeries

Soldanela Montana

This website is for people interested in mountain flowers from all the World. I am interested in alpine plants ,bulbs, peat plants, and grafting of witch's brooms.
My favourite plants are: Androsace, Saxifraga, Cultivars of Galanthus, Colchicum, Sternbergia, Fritillaria, Arum, Crocus, Primula allioni, Iris(oncocyklum), Dionysie etc. I would like to demonstrate to beginning alpiners that the real enthusiast only starts with growing alpine genera like phlox, aubrieta, iberis, Armeria, Sedum.

Cultivation of alpine plants is neverending joy of searching, grading up, and grafting of new cultivars. The growing of alpine plants is my lifestyle.

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